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Re: question about server logs

Primoz Jeroncic wrote:
=>I have one question for which this maybe isn't really right place to ask but
=>I don't know any other place to ask this.
=>Ok here is my problem:
=>I have one page on different server where I don't have access to cgi-bin
=>directory or server logs, and I have one server where I have access to both
=>(cgi-bin and logs), but I'm not allowed to put this page on because it's
=>commercial and this second server is academical. So now I would like to do 
=>this that way that everytime someone would load index page on server A I 
=>would get line in server B log so that my scripts can read this file and get
=>those data from this. I know that this would be possible with adding picture
=>which would be located on server B but I was wondering if there is some 
=>other chances to do this. Or at least if there is chance to do this with 
=>picture but make browser not to show that picture at all?

Hi Primoz,

 not really a security question, but here goes anyway....

Why not try the following?

A> Make a REDIRECT from the URI on Server A to call the URI on Server B..


B> If you're using one of the NCSA clone webservers on system B, restrict
access to the webpage using the 'Referer' and 'OnDeny' options? You could
then have the 'OnDeny' point back to the URI on Server A...

What this would do is that people would have to call the webpage from
Server A, and be redirected onto Server B. That way you could count the
accesses on Server A.

If, however, someone wanted to call the URL directory from Server B, it
would fail the call, redirecting it to Server A which would redirect it
back to Server B...

Now, BEFORE anyone shouts, I can see that this is INHERENTLY redundant in
terms of network calls and accesses.. but the guy asked and it is a
possible suggestion...

The second suggestion is the obvious one, which is ask for access to the
logfiles on Server B!!!!

Just a possible solution,

